2018 Foals
TRIPLE A MINIS is a Miniature Breeding program originating June 2017, and is located in South East Saskatchewan. We have hand picked our little herds from all over Canada and the USA for their pedigrees, conformation, temperament and of course; COLOUR.
We are very proud to introduce our business in raising and breeding very fine Miniature Horses, Donkeys, and Goats for your enjoyment, whether it be in showing, driving, therapy, breeding programs or just outrageously beautiful pets!

Triple A's Castles Elegance in Silver
2018 AMHR Filly
Phenotype-Silver Black
Genotype - Silver Black Suppressed Leopard EE aa Lp/n n/PATN1 n/Z Nd1/Nd2
CCMF Castle Rocks Little Spotty Man
(HOF) X. Strasslein Build the Tempo 38in.

Triple A's Ruffian
2018 AMHR Colt
Phenotype - Black Blanket Appaloosa Genotype - Black Near Leopard
EE aa LP/n, n/PATN1 n/n grey
Memories of Dusk at Lyndell X Show Rings Oopsa Daisy

Triple A's Hollywood
2018 AMHR/AMHA Colt
Phenotype - Black Pinto
Genotype - Black Pintaloosa
Toyland Tonto - Black Leopard Appaloosa AMHA/AMHR/Falabella (Triple Registered)
X A Tailwinds Mini Mia