2023 Foals
TRIPLE A MINIS is a Miniature Breeding program originating June 2017, and is located in South East Saskatchewan. We have hand picked our little herds from all over Canada and the USA for their pedigrees, conformation, temperament and of course; COLOUR.
We are very proud to introduce our business in raising and breeding very fine Miniature Horses, Donkeys, and Goats for your enjoyment, whether it be in showing, driving, therapy, breeding programs or just outrageously beautiful pets!

Triple A's Venus Aurora
DOB: Feb 14, 2023
CDJE: 5855
MDR: 73139
COLOUR: Black NLP - No strip or cross thus far on foal coat
HEIGHT: 27.25 in. at 9 ms
SIRE: CSF Woodrow F Call LD -
Tri-Colour Spot Wooly 30.5in.
DAM: Shadey Lane Black Minx -
Black NLP 32in

Triple A's Spring Myst
DOB: May 27, 2023
CDJE: 5876 MDR: 73436
COLOUR: Grey Dun - Mysty
Carries an Ivory gene from her dam, Ed/ed Carries a red gene
does not look to be wooly thus far with foal coat
LAB TESTED: Ed/ed, N/NLP, N/N for Long hair, carries Ivory gene from dam
HEIGHT: 30in. @ 6ms
SIRE: CSF Woodrow F Call LD -
Tri-Colour Spot Wooly 30.5in.
DAM: Bluegrass April - BEI - 33in

Triple A's Django Aryana
DOB: Aug 5, 2023
CDJA: 5883
MDR: 73792
COLOUR: Jet Black NLP Wooly - No strip or cross thus far on foal coat
HEIGHT: 26.5' @ 3.5 ms
SIRE: CSF Woodrow F Call LD -Tri-Colour Spot Wooly 30.5in.
DAM: SAW Gianna - Black Wooly 30.5in

Triple A's Dr Schultz
DOB: Aug 19, 2023
CDJA: 5885 ACOSA: SA3321 MDR: 73793
COLOUR: Lt Brown Spot Wooly
LAB TESTED: Ed/ed, N/NLP, N/LH1 carries a Red, NLP, & Long hair gene
HEIGHT: 25.25' @ 3ms
SIRE: CSF Woodrow F Call LD -Tri-Colour Spot Wooly 30.5in.
DAM: SAW Song Sung Blue- Brown Wooly

Triple A's Frankly Perfect
DOB: April 1, 2023
AMHR: Pending
COLOUR: Black Blanket Appaloosa
SIRE: Kakos Wicked Moon Knight
DAM: Hopkins Image in Black - World Top Ten in Halter
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Franky is the only filly with this bloodline in Canada