Wooly Miniature Donkey
TRIPLE A MINIS is a Miniature Breeding program originating June 2017, and is located in South East Saskatchewan. We have hand picked our little herds from all over Canada and the USA for their pedigrees, conformation, temperament and of course; COLOUR. ​
​ Miniature Wooly donkeys are Rare. In 2022, there were only 450 miniature woolies, out of 60,000 Registered Miniature Donkeys.

BBA Wild Flower "Flower"
2022 Brown and White Spot Extreme Wooly Jennet, carries NLP & 2 Wooly Genes
MDR: 73322 microchipped
CDJE: 5911
Brayer Acres Oliver
Allearz Wild Thing
Mini J's Zippin Good
MGF Sienna Shadow
MGF Raggedy Andy
Brainbridge's Pot of Gold

Saw Song Sung Blue "Cricket"
2018 34" Dark Brown Wooly Jennet, carries red gene
MDR: 69633 microchipped
CDJE: 5719
Arwenvale Blue Moon
MGF Spring Song
Sunset Acres Avalanche
The Elms Show Me Victory
MGF Stoli Too
Boelens Cricket of Annawan

Saw Gianna "Anna"
2018 30" Black Wooly Jennet, carries NLP
MDR: 69631 microchipped
CDJE: 5721
Saw Midnight Snicker Snack
Dusty Tails Farm Shania Rain
N&Ds Lonestar Dr D's Snickers
Treworlas Magic Beauty
Wit's End Soldier Boy
Dusty Tails Farm

BBA Buttercup "Buttercup"
2022 Grey White Spot Wooly Jennet, carries Red Gene & 2 Wooly Genes
MDR: 73321 microchipped
CDJE: 5910
Brayer Acres Oliver
Allearz Rag a Muffin RA
Mini J's Zippin Good
MGF Sienna Shadow
MGF Raggedy Andy
Bainbridges Dream On

Triple A's Venus Aurora "Rora"
2023 Dark Brown NLP Semi-Wooly Jennet
MDR: 73139 microchipped
CDJE: 5855
Carries 2 NLP Genes & E/E
CSF Woodrow F Call LD
Shadey Lane Black Minx
Copper Star MGFeltrinelli Editore
Bar 3s Cindy Sue
MJB Black Zorro
Black Venus

Triple A's Spring Myst "Mysty"
2023 31.5" Grey Dun Semi Wooly Jennet
E/e n/NLP + Carries Ivory Gene
MDR: 73436 microchipped
CDJE: 5876
CSF Woodrow F Call LD
Bluegrass April
Copper Star MG Feltrinelli
Bar 3s Cindy Sue
BJ Mr Blue Eyes
Merry-Go-Rounds Buttercup

Mini G's Peppermint Patty "Peppy"
2023 Brown/Grey & White Spot Wooly Jennet
MDR: 74207 microchipped
CDJE: pending
N&D Lonestar
Rancho Rhea Skittles
LN Serendon
N&D Lonestar Lovey Dovey
Rock Creek Ranch Bandito
Double D Dark Secret

Shadey Lane Black Minx "Minxy"
2012 32" Black Standard Coat NLP Jennet
MDR: 73138 microchipped
CDJE: 5450
MJB Black Zorro
MJB Black Venus
MGF Leroy
MJB M'Lady Venus
Soderglen Black Beans
MGF Venus Doublevay 2

Bluegrass Ivy "Ivy"
2018 33" Blue Eyed Ivory Jennet
MDR: 68622 microchipped
CDJE: 5691
BJ Mr Blue Eyes
Merry-Go-Rounds Miss Khaki
BJ Livingston
BJ jeanne
Arch Duke VanBlankenship
Merry-Go-Rounds Bimbee