Our Stallion
TRIPLE A MINIS is a Miniature Breeding program originating June 2017, and is located in South East Saskatchewan. We have hand picked our little herds from all over Canada and the USA for their pedigrees, conformation, temperament and of course; COLOUR.
We are very proud to introduce our business in raising and breeding very fine Miniature Horses, Donkeys, and Goats for your enjoyment, whether it be in showing, driving, therapy, breeding programs or just outrageously beautiful pets!
We specialize in breeding conformationally correct, refined, colorful Appaloosa Miniature Horses with a diversity of true solids. Our miniature horses have many of the famous and well known pedigrees out there, such as CCMF, Sweetwater, Orion Van Huttenest, Buckeye, BAR-G’S ROCK "E", Sid Rebels, Komokos, Shadow Oaks, Toyland, Strasslein, WA-full, Lucky Four, Kewpie, D & S Spook, Flying W Farms, Little Kings, B & L’s Rock E, Alliance, Kamelot & Blue Boy. All of our horses are registered in AMHA and/or AMHR, AMHR/ASPC.

CCMF Castle Rocks Little Spotty Man HOF "Ace"
May 4, 2007 34" AMHA/AMHR Registered "Ace"
Phenotype-Bay Leopard Appaloosa
Genotype-Ee Aa LP/n PATN1/PATN1
n/n ( Negative for Cream, Silver, Champagne, Pearl, Mushroom, Tobiano, Sabino, SW1-3, and Dun)
Acan Panel 1-4 - n/n (No Dwarf Gene)
SA - n/n (No Skeletal Atavism)
LWO - n/n (No Lethal White Overo)
Western Pleasure Driving HOF
Canadian All Star Champion Western Pleasure Driving
Multiple Grand Champion Halter Stallion
Multiple Champion Country Pleasure Driving
2022 Canadian All Star Champion Get of Sire 38" & Under
Sweetwaters Texas Spotty
Castle Rocks Dancing in the Mist
Sweetwaters Gold Buckeroo
Kegleys Call Girl
Debruces Dragon in the Mist
Dallys Ynot Miss Scarlett O'Hara
Ace's Progeny

- Reserve Grand Champ Mare - Canadian National All Star Champion in AMHR - Owned, Bred & Shown by Exhibitor

2021/2022 Multiple Canadian All Star Champion Halter Gelding, Over

- Reserve Grand Champ Mare - Canadian National All Star Champion in AMHR - Owned, Bred & Shown by Exhibitor

Reference Stallions

Wetrock Racing with the Temptation HOF "Ray"
2016 AMHA/AMHR/ASPC Bay 32.5" Stallion
Clear for Dwarf Gene, Skeletal Atavism & LWO

Opal Woods Red Hot Crimson "Crimson"
2016 AMHA/AMHR Red Few Spot Appaloosa 30.5" Stallion
Genotype-ee aa LPLP PATN1PATN1 (N/D4 )